Title of the document

HAND in HAND with EDUCATED and LABOUR PEOPLE (HHELP) is a non-profit, non-governmental and non-political organization established in 2007 and was registered in 2012 under the community welfare act 1960 under the registration number 283 based at Taluka Johi, District Dadu, Sindh-Pakistan. HHELP is the assembly of over one hundred dedicated, motivated and dynamic volunteer individuals from different walks of life seriously engaged at head office and at communities throughout the Taluka with their interchangeable expertise averaging from Information Technology to Psychology and sociology to Horticulture who are starving hard selflessly to achieve its mission for the betterment of community in the fields of Education, Health, Agriculture, environment and Human Rights and endeavors for awareness among the population towards Disaster Risk Reduction practices, capacity building and participatory cooperation. The organization is actively involved in the rural development activities with technical themes enhancing the capacity of CBOs and marginalized section of the community. HHELP is leading organization in terms of youth volunteerism in district Dadu.

Who we are?

We are a grass-roots non-profit, non-governmental and non-political organization working for the betterment of community in the fields of Education, Health, Agriculture, and environment. We believe that children are not on the street/out of school by choice, but because they are left with no other alternative. We have 6 years of experience of enrolling out of school children into schools get them access to their basic human rights. HHELP is the assembly of over one thousand dedicated, motivated and dynamic volunteer individuals from different walks of life seriously engaged with their interchangeable expertise to achieve its mission.


Assesmbling the sources of life to create easy access for marganilzed.


HHELP is struggling to create opportunities in society in which everyone has equal rights, discrimination free and healthy space to live in.


Promote education, increase enrolment and encourage girls` schooling.

Highlight the issues and rights of less-privileged, economically and physically challenged and marginalized section of community.

Strive for long term sustainability and ultimate development of community through capacity building and participatory.

Voice for the rights, justice, peace and betterment of community.

Sensitize the population about environmental issues, ensure free tree plantation and discourage the deforestation.

Thematic Areas Thematic Areas of HAND in HAND with EDUCATED and LABOUR PEOPLE


A picture is worth a thousand words! According to a survey conducted by officials of the district revenue department As many as 500 primary schools remain closed and 2,000 ghost teachers regularly receive salary in Dadu district. The survey report said that most of the closed schools situated in far-flung areas were being used as Otaqs (guest houses) by influential landlords. The report said that 500 schools remained closed in Dadu district, of them 118 in Dadu taluka, 109 in Khairpur Nathan Shah, 94 in Mehar and 179 in Johi taluka. According to other surveys conducted by other non-government Organizations the standard of education in rural areas of District Dadu is increasingly deteriorating and the girls? enrolment is extremely low.


People, in general, are poor and experience high levels of mortality, morbidity and disability. An appropriately defined and maintained set of health indicators provides information for the elaboration of a relevant profile of a population. In District Dadu,Health care services in District Dadu need improvement and concerted efforts to meet national as well as Millennium Developmental Goals (MDGs). Figure Under five mortality rate, Infant Mortality Rate Comparison is estimated at 90 per thousand live births, which is higher than the national figure of 77 under five mortality rate is estimated to be 147 which is higher than provincial and national level . 12% of the population is currently using iodized salt as compared to 22% in Sindh. The analysis of the health situation reveals a major problem due to the imbalance between rural and urban area in term of facilities, which requires an urgent attention. Health and hygiene condition in the aforementioned district is quite disappointing which highly requires the attention of the authorities.

Human Rights

The women in the country are dually affected by rising extremism and Poverty. In 2020, 626 women committed suicide, a figure which offers a glimpse into the utter helplessness felt by women. Even though numerous Legislations have been presented and passed in order to provide women with safe working environments; it is still estimated by the federal ombudswoman for protection of women against harassment at the workplace. According to 2012 report compiled by government department for Human Rights which states that 60% women still face harassment. Harmful traditions continue to target women, hampering their growth and curtailing their basic human rights. As long as the law provides the victims’ family with the option of pardon and compensation, the crime of honor killing shall continue unabated. Violence against women has become order of the day even in interior districts of Sindh like Dadu. According to findings by an NGO working Purely on women`s rights in Dadu, approximately 1700 cases of different Kinds of violation were identified in the district.


Kachho, an arid zone in Dadu district, has been heaven for wildlife for long which spreads over approximately 1500-1600 square km, the Kachho area is located mainly in Johi Taluka in Dadu district. Its population is scattered and estimated over 2372725 people. In the monsoon season the people of Kachho can be seen happy. In this area there used to be trees, which inspired various wildlife species to come and stay here peacefully but now due to deforestation there is no abode or attraction for birds and animals. Nowadays the Kachho area is being destroyed on many ways. People are chopping and cutting trees. According to local people, about 10 to 20 tractor trolleys, with approximately 1000 to 2000 maunds of timber are being chopped down on daily basis. The social scientists recommend increasing awareness among masses and motivating them not to cut trees for the sake of protecting their environment and health. The authority concerned should plan and implement any better solution to stop this malpractice- possibly, the provision of other income generating options or credits to the involved people.

ProjectsOngoing projects of HAND in HAND with EDUCATED and LABOUR PEOPLE

Faculty Required


Job Title :Teachers

Vacancies :09

Closing Date :28-Aug-2024

Click here to Apply now

Amissions are open


Program :Short Course

Seats :20 (Boys 10 Girls 10 )

Closing Date :31-Aug-2024

Click here to Apply now

Vacancy announcement


Job title :Computer Instructor (Volunteer)

Location : Johi

Closing Date :27-Aug-2023

Status : Expired

Faculty Required

TGPS Campuses

Job title :Teachers

Location :Johi, Wahi

Closing Date : 22/08/2021

Status : Expired


Faculty required

TGPS Campuses

Job title :Teachers

Location :Johi, Wahi

Closing Date : 14/10/2021

Status :Expired


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Time 24/07

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